План-конспект урока в 6 классе «Let's go shopping»

Автор: Бондарь Ирина Владимировна

Организация: МБОУ СШ № 64

Населенный пункт: ДНР, г. Мариуполь


практическая: активизировать лексический материал; употреблять лексические единицы в речи; развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся; совершенствовать технику чтения; проверить уровень понимания прочитанного; совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи учащихся;-

развивающая: развивать память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление обучающихся; развивать творческие и актерские способности; развивать умение обобщать и делать выводы;

воспитательная: воспитывать добросовестное отношение к учебе, воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и совместной работы в группах.

  • учебник, раздаточный материал, компьютер, доска,проектор, экран, презентация.
  • урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.



Ход урока

I. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.

1) Организационный момент

-Good morning, pupils! Nice to see you today! I hope you are well today. To make your mood good repeat after me: We are pupils. We  are good pupils. We are talented pupils. We are the best pupils in the world. O'key, now I can see you are in a good mood and ready to start working.

2) Сообщение темы и цели урока.

T. Today it's the last lesson on the topic”Shopping.”We'll speak about one of the most important topics in our life. During the lesson you will do a lot of interesting things: act, play lexical games, sing, watch funny videos, listen to the stories and so on.

 T.-The mottor of our lesson is “If you want to buy, buy; if you don't want to buy- bye, bye.''Repeat it as faster as possible.

T. So, to enter shopping atmosphere, look at the screen . (video “Steve in the shop”).

T.  Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we get to know a lot of information about different goods, their prices, quality. We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say it's a forced waste of money. Today, shopping is a means of our existence and living. It can make our dreams come true. Besides shopping is a great entertainment too. If you want to relax-shopping is for you. While shopping you talk to other people, get experience.

II. Ocновная часть.

1) Языковая разминка

T. Now, pupils, answer my questions:

1. Do you like to go shopping?

2. How often do you go shopping?

     3. What shops do you usually visit?

4.  Who buys things in the shop?

5.  Who sells the products in the shop?

T.-As there are many different goods, so there are many shops which sell them.Your home task was to revise the names of different shops  and  goods which we can buy in these shops. So, children, I want to know what kinds of shops do you know?

For this we'll play the game”Mystery Shop”.Tell me, please, in which shops can we use these expressions?

1.Can I have a pocket of butter, please?(Dairy).

2. I'd like two loaves of bread and a cake.(Baker's)

3. How much does a kilo of potatoe cost? (Greengroser's).

4. Can I try this pair of jeans, please?(Clothes shop).

5. How much does a kilo of sausages cost?(Butcher's).

6. I want to buy a teddy bear for my little brother.(Toy shop).

T. -Well done. Another task for you:

 Each group has a lot of cards with the names of different shops. I'll tell you different goods. You are to show the proper shop where you can buy these goods.

- Well done. Now I can see that you know a lot of shops and goods that they sell.

2). Lexical Practice. Активизация лексического материала.

But today, my dear friends, we'll visit  a famous shopping centre in London. It's Harrods.(video''Harrods'',the children are telling about Harrods).

 Harrods is the largest department store in Europe. The Harrods mottor is”All Things for All People, Everywhere”. Harrods founder Charles Henry Harrod first started his business in 1824, when he was 25. In the beginning, Harrods was a small groser's shop.

The shop's 330 departments offer a wide range of products and services. Products in offer include clothing for women, men, children and infants and beauty items, gifts, stationary, housewares, home appliances and much more. There are 9 bars and restaurants in the store. Up to 300,000 customers visit the shop on peak days. More than 5 thousand shop-assistants work at Harrods. The sales are in January and July. 

  T. Thank you very much for your telling. Now answer my question:

What is Harrods?

a. the most famous shop in London;

b.  most expensive kind of electronics;

c. special milk cooked in Scotland.

-You are right.

The first task for you is to make up the mottor of Harrods from separate words(work in groups).

T. The second task is: Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences according to the text(work in groups with the sheets of papers).

T. So you know that the shopping process is impossible without some persons and things. Let's revise them. For this task look at the screen. There you can see some words where the letters are mixed. Try to guess the words and tell them correctly.

1. e c r I p-----------------------

2. p o h s   s I s t a n s a----------------------------

3. r k t m a e---------------------------------------

4. p e r k e t m a r s u--------------------------------

5. n e y o m----------------------------------------------

6. e r c u s m t o-------------------------------------------

(price, shop-assistant, market, supermarket, money, customer).

3). Speaking Practice.

-And now, children, let's buy something in Harrods. But while doing shopping  you should know shopping rules( the teacher is reading the shopping rules on the blackboard):

1.You should pay for everything you buy.

 2.If you are queuing at the cash-desk you need to wait for your turn.

3.You should check your money before and after paying.

T. Well, tell me, please, what money do English people use? Look at the screen. Of course, they use pounds and pence(song “Ten shiny coins”).

T. Make up  the word-combinations.

T. Tell me, please, how to ask about the price? Who knows?

4).Grammar. Грамматика.

T. Pupils, it's time for grammar. Put the words many/much correctly.

5). Writing Practice. Письмо.

T. To tell the truth I love birthday parties. And you? Do you like to invite your friends and lay the table with many tasty things? But you must prepare for this event beforehand. I hope your mums will give you enough money to buy everything you want. It's very important to do shopping rationally not to waste too much money. That's why we have to make up the shopping list before going shopping. I'll give you sheets of paper and the cards with tasks. You need to write your shopping list.( children are writing the shopping lists and then read them).

For example:

10 bars of chocolate;

5 boxes of sweets;

10 cans of coke;

10 bottles of fizzy drinks;

2 packets of tea;

5 cartons of orange juice;

5 packets of nuts;

bubble gums;

3 cakes;

2 kilos of bananas;

 2 kilos of apples

T. O'key. You have money, shopping lists then you need shopping bags. Let's play the game”Sorting”.One pupil of each group will have a shopping bag with the cards of different goods. There are different departments on the blackboard. You have to stick your goods under the proper shops. All the rest pupils will correct you.

T. So we are ready to do the shopping. For this I'll give you some cards. Those who have circles are shop-assistants and those pupils who have letters are customers. Each pair will get the task to make up the dialogues. Listen to the dialogue.(audio).Now you are ready to make up your own dialogues. 3 minutes are  for this work.(working in pairs).

  • For example:
  • 1.You are a customer at the clothes department. You want to buy  a suit. Ask the shop- assistant to help you to choose one.
  • You are a shop-assistant. The customer wants to buy a suit. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 2.You are a customer at the shoe department. You want to buy shoes. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose a pair.
  • You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy a shoes. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 3.You are a customer at the greengroser's department. You want to buy some fruit and vegetables for salads. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose fresh  fruit and vegetables.
  • You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy some fruit and vegetables for salads. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 4.You are a customer at the toy department. You want to buy a toy for your sister's birthday. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose a toy.
  • You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy a toy for your sister's birthday. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 5. You are a customer at the furniture department.  You want to buy a sofa. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose a sofa.
  • You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy a sofa. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 6. You are a customer at the dairy department.  You want to buy some butter and milk for cake. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose milk and butter.
  •  You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy some butter and milk. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 7.  You are a customer at the electric department. You want to buy a computer. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose a computer.
  • You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy a computer. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.
  • 8. You are a customer at the Fast Food Cafeteria. You want to buy something to eat. Ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose fast food.
  •  You are a shop-assistant.   The customer wants to buy some fast food. Help him/her. Be polite and patient.

6).Exercises .Физкультминутка.

-Children, tell me, please. Are you happy to do shopping? Ok. It's  a break at Harrods.(video exercises on the screen)

7). Reading practice. Чтение.

T. Well done.  It's time for story. This story is called ”Monster Shopping Trip”.It's about a green handsome monster Hairy Henry.  Listen to the story and watch it. Let's read this story in roles. Who wants to read the story? (children are reading the story in roles).

T.And now do the tasks. 4 minutes will be enough  for you.( pupils are doing the tasks on the cards in groups). Now let's check up your tasks.

  8).Listening practice.

 T. Besides Harrods there are a lot of other shops and shopping centres in London. Listen to the text very attentively and be ready to choose the correct variant according to the text.(the teacher is reading the text)

The Corner Shop is a small shop on or near a street corner. They usually sell food for very high price.

Harrods is a department store. It has 330 departments. Up to 300,000 customers visit the shop on peak days. More than 5 thousand shop-assistants work at Harrods. It is very expensive shop.

Sainsbury's is the biggest of the supermarket chains. It sells good food, wine, do it yourself goods.

Mark and Spencer is a chain store. It is a number of department stores which sell men's and women's clothing, home furniture, plants and food. The company has over 700 stores around the world.

The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap, shampoo, skin-care products for men and women.

The sales in the most shops are in January and July.

T. Work in groups. Remember the proverb: ''Two heads are better than one''. So support and help each other. Your task is to choose the correct variant and complete the sentences according to the text: (children are completing the sentences).

 1. Harrods is one of the world's famous...

a. markets;

b. department stores;

c. restaurants.

2. It has over... departments.

a. 30;


c. 330.

3. The Corner Shop is a...

a. small shop on or near a street corner;

b. small shop in the city centre;

c. small market near a street corner.

4. Sainsbury's sells...

a. men's clothes;

b. toys;

c. food, wine, do it yourself products.

5. Mark & Spencer is a...

a. dairy;

b. baker's;

c. chain store.

6. How many stores are there in Mark & Spencer company?

a. 7;

b. 7 thousand;

c. 7 hundred.

7. Body Shop sells...

a. clothes;

b. foot wear;

c. skin care products.

8. The sales are in …

a. February and June;

b. January and July;

c. October and May.

T. Let's check up your answers:1.b;2.c;3.a;4.c;5.c;6.c;7c;8.b.

II.I Заключительная часть. Итоги урока. Рефлексия.

T. Our lesson has come to the end. Did you like the lesson?  I've got the shopping basket. Take the stickers and write down what you liked best at the lesson. Stick your answers on the basket. Well done .Thank you.

IV. Hometask. Домашнее задание. Your home task is to write a letter to your email-friends in England about your shopping on Christmas Eve. You worked well today. I'll give you the prises with the trade mark of our school. Let's say Good bye to Harrods and London. Thank you for your work.  Good-bye, children!

Опубликовано: 09.06.2024